Friday, October 30, 2009


Ohhh... it was cold this morning, no wind tho and that was nice. It was only 25 degrees and our breath froze as we walked. I am thankful we could go this morning, we have missed two mornings because of the cold and wind. today it was beautiful outside . The sky was really clear with lots of stars and a big full moon. we have such awesome mornings here in Southern Utah for the most part. I love living here and being so blessed by the beauty of the area. I love my family and we have a great bunch of kids, grandkids, great grandkids, my basket is full and I love them all and am thankful to be so blessed. you'all have a wonderful day.


  1. Mom what are you doing up so early?! I thought only me and Len were up this early, ha ha! I know what you mean about the beautiful morning. My friend and I walked this morning after missing yesterday and it was so peaceful and cold! It gave me renewed energy for the drive today. I also love living here except for when the wind howls, even that has a magic all in it's own. I love the morning walks with my friend who challenges me and keeps me going, 2 years and counting now!

  2. That is why I love my walks around the property at 2am. There is no traffic noise...only and occasional train, there are a million stars in the sky here and when there is clouds and moonlight it is almost magical. It has been cold here too. A dusting of snow yesterday and it looks like more to come. I am going to have to learn to like snow I think.
    Your blog reminds me everyday to be thankful for the little things and for my family especially for such a wonderful mother!!!
