Friday, October 16, 2009


Have you ever heard the quiet? I am thankful for it, I can hear what my heart says in the earlly quiet of the morning. Usually I am happy in this quiet, I go outside and look at the sky where the stars look so big and bright and wonder at the order of them always being in their place. I can see the moon in its brightness and I am thankful for the light it gives us on our walks, I am thankful for all the early morning sounds that I get to busy during the day to hear. Like the song of birds waking up to look for their breakfast. they sing to each other. The crow of the roosters signaling it is almost time to wake up. The cows as they are lowing because they are lonely for the calves that have been taken from them. Occasionally I hear the cyotes cry to one another. Morning is a wonderful time of the day with it's quiet, sereneness. I am grateful for thisbeautiful time of the day.


  1. My favorite time is when I make the last round of the night...about midnight. Usually it is so quiet. No traffic on the road, all the guests are off to sleep and only the distant whistle of a train breaks the silence. Maybe one day it will be mornings..."sighs".

  2. I was up early this morning to feed before flying. It was still dark and the stars were incredible! I tried to get pictures of the crescent moon, but it was more beautiful to just stand and stare. What a great way to start the day, then on to a beautiful crystal clear flight and a very soft landing! Next up as a safety pilot for my friend Rich (2 flights in one day-YEAH!) a great lunch and a long walk with the dogs and Sebastian. Life Is Great!
