Thursday, October 15, 2009

Life, ah wonderful life

Have you ever thought about life as being like a three act Play? In alot of ways it really is... How neat is that!
Let me explain what i mean.
Act one: We are in heaven as spirit children of our Heavenly parents, learning how to feel, how to love one another, how to be happy. Then along comes satan and stirs it all up, so God decides to send his children to earth to learn how to live in the garden of Eden, but God wants His children to come back to Him after they have learned how to live on Earth, He also wants the glory for His creation. Satan comes and says to God "let me be over your children and I will bring tham all, every one, back to you but I want the Glory." and so there was a war in Heaven over wether to send satan, or to send God's beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who would give the Glory to His father. 1/3 of the spirits followed satan, and god cast them all out from Heaven with no chance to have a physical body. 2/3 followed Jesus Christ and were given the opportunity to come to earth, get a physical body, learn of God the Father, and someday return again to Him, and have body and spirit re-united after death. To live with Him forever.
Act 2: We were born on earth where we may gow up, learn how to handle relationships, and to learn about our Heavenly Father, and His son Jesus Christ , who is the the Savior and Redeemer of this world. Jesus Christ was born of Heavenly Father and an earthly mother, grew to manhood and taught all who would listen about God The Father and about eternal life. We were given our free agency to choose for ourselves which path we would follow both in pre=mortal life after the war in Heaven, then again here on earth when we were born. And so, we grow up learn about Jesus and how he died on the cross for us to redeem us from this physical death so that we may be resurrected and have our spirits reunited with our bodies. We learn of Temple covenants and what we must do to live with our Heavenly Father, as a family forever.
Act 3: Now we die, and lay our physical bodies down in the earth through burial, to rest for awhile, our spirits go to paradise to learn more. There we are taught that we can be reurrected to unite our bodies with our spirits. If we have become worthy to go to God's temple and make sacred conenants in our earthly life, then we look forward to meeting all of our family and living together as family again in God's presence. There to have spiritul Children of our own. for the scriptures teach us "That as man is, God once was, as God is man may become" God has also promised us that everything He has is ours if we but obey His commandments.
What wonderful promises. And a great three act Play!!!
My point here is I am so grateful for knowledge, it has power to be able to learn, to grow and to be in the light.
Knowledge is light, light is power, power is glory and the Glory of God is intelligence. Very simple. Try it. I Love all of you who follow my meandering blog when I tell it as I feel it.


  1. It is a blessing to see your faith and the way you share it so openly with all those around you. Thank you Mom

  2. I love you and life is like that. Hope none of us miss any of the Acts in the three act play of life.
