Saturday, October 10, 2009


I HAVE BEEN DOING ALOT OF THINKING ABOUT LIFE and the abundance that I have. I am so thankful for a testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel. I am thanful for a young farm boy who knew that he had seen God the Eternal Father and His Son Jesus Christ. He never waivered in knowing that. I am thanful that we have a living Prophet on the earth today. When we know the truth we shall not fear. We only need to prepare for the peace that will be here whe our Savior comes again. so therefore, I and grateful for my knowledge and testimony that Christ lives, that our Father in Heaven lives and loves me. He knows what I need and who I am. He is abundant in all He does for me. I am the daughter of a King.


  1. I also am thankful for those things mom! I am extremely thankful today for living in this beautiful place we all call home. After spending an incredible weekend camping in Zion, I appreciate it so much more. It is the perfect place, and all other places are the sprinkles on the ice cream sundae we call home!
