Monday, November 16, 2009

It is cold this morning. When we went walking it was 25 degrees. So this is how I feel on a very cold day. I am thankful that the sun comes up each morning to warm the earth and give us new energy. I hope your days are good ones and the sun shines on you today. Or else you can take a nap like this one.


  1. Is that Ely??? I remember him doing that when it was cold and he would curl up on his blanket. The sun is out here and it is beautiful but I should learn how to ice skate because I have a rink in my parking lot...LOL

  2. ya...hopefully Eli doesnt have to sleep out in that.

  3. It is not Eli, but it looks alot like him doesn't it.. Eli now has his own big doghouse full of blankets and a big thick mat to lay on, so he is ok outside.
